Thank you for supporting the Class of 69 Civil Fund
The Class of 69 Civil Fund has been established by classmates who were in 3rd Pro Civil Engineering at the University of Canterbury in 1969, as a legacy for the future, to support the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering.
Thank you for being a part of the UC community leading the way in innovation.
Your donation will be in New Zealand dollars. The name that appears on your bank statement will be the University of Canterbury Foundation. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by New Zealand law.
To donate by credit card, please do so securely below.
If you wish to make a direct payment to the UC Foundation Bank of New Zealand bank account please use the reference CIVIL69 and your name and initials and deposit into: 02 0874 0015430 00. Please email us to let us know of your gift so we can acknowledge your generosity:
For information on donating in other currencies or by cheque please email the Foundation
Select your gift amount and fund, then click continue.